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Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Precision Global Corporation is a family-owned private equity firm within the Private Real Estate Syndications sector. With strategic focus in Self-Storage Facility and luxury RV Park Community commercial developments, Precision Global boasts a substantial portfolio of real estate holdings valued at over $300 million that encompasses 1.2 million net-rentable square feet across the US. Celebrating its first decade of excellence, Precision Global’s proven track record in passive investment partnerships with accredited investors and asset management exemplifies its commitment to delivering exceptional value and growth in real estate.
Here at Precision Global Corporation, we make money shoulder to shoulder with our Partners. It’s our money on the line too. Therefore, one strategic, yet critical difference, which we believe is a massive advantage compared to other venture capital companies is our low overhead and controlled cost model. We align ourselves with operators that are the best and most efficient in the business. Therefore, we can have stringent cost controls in place. We do not believe in haphazardly passing costs through to our Partners. In place, we have a multi-step process to seek low cost, but effective options and suppliers for each of our operations. Micromanagement is key to our cost control and purchase order system. We handle it so that you do not have to.
"When I started Precision Global Corporation, I knew the Private Equity Industry was in dire need of a company with Integrity and Honesty. What most people don’t realize is that a large part of business dealings in the world today are done with the help of Private Equity Companies. Our business is based on building strong, long-term relationships with our Partners.
Our business goals are simple; create the best opportunities possible while ameliorating the risks as much as possible. That is exactly what I have tried to do my entire adult life. Don’t get me wrong, there are inherent risks in anything we do today. After all, the greater the risk, the greater the reward, right? But what if we could reduce the risk by being cautious and still receive strong returns? What if we could, instead of swinging for the fence, go for base hits?
A wise man once told me; “four base hits are the same as a home run to us”. The one who succeeds ultimately, will be the one with the strongest batting average. Sure everyone knows the home run kings, what they don’t remember is the strikeouts it took to achieve that home run. No one needs to take that type of risk when there are plenty of base hits out there that will produce very positive results."
- Brian Sullivan
Mr. Sullivan was fortunate enough to retire by the age of 40 with over 19 highly successful years in the wholesale commercial and residential lending industry. After retiring in 2003, Mr. Sullivan started his second career on the ground floor of an independent oil and gas exploration company. With his internal corporate knowledge and management skills, he quickly received the title of Vice President.
Over the next 11 years, he was involved in the financial procurement of 30 oil & gas wells in Texas, Kentucky, Colorado, Kansas & Nebraska. In addition, he has played a key role in the development of 6 energy fields and multiple energy equipment acquisitions.
In April 2014, Mr. Sullivan formed Precision Global Corporation, a Private Equity Company, because he saw a dire need for a Christian-based Private Equity Company in America today.
Since forming PGC, Mr. Sullivan has created 34 projects. To be specific, in Brian’s Venture Capital career, he has been in charge of 51 projects in total. Of those 51, only the first 3 oil ventures in 2007 were unsuccessful. It’s Mr. Sullivan’s belief that those 3 were due to partnering with a startup. It’s because of this that PGC has since made the decision to only work with experienced industry owners and operators.
He credits this high success rate to the same philosophy that was instilled in him during his baseball days, which is: “Four base hits are the same as a home run.” Mr. Sullivan fully understands that while home runs are newsworthy, what people don’t realize is the number of strikeouts the home run kings will find while swinging for the fences. Ultimately, he values the opportunities he has been given and feels that each one is just as important as the last.
In 2022, Mr. Sullivan was invited to become a member of the Forbes Business Council, being recognized for his leadership and expertise in the Commercial Real Estate Industry.
He and his wife have 7 children and 7 grandchildren. Six of their children are now adults leaving one 17-year old still in the nest. 3 of their adult children are employed by Precision Global.
The Sullivan’s have always been very active in their church as well as several charitable organizations including but not limited to the; New Mexico Christian Children’s Home, Collier Center for Hearing Impaired & Communication Disorders, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, The American Cancer Society, and The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation. The entire Sullivan family has a philosophy, “always make time to give back.“